What kind of anesthesia is best for liposuction?

anesthesia for liposuctionOne of the most common questions we receive in our office is “What type of anesthesia is best for liposuction?”

This is a very important question because there are a variety of options available for a variety of reasons, not all of which have safety and comfort at the top of the priority list. That’s not to say that the more expensive option is always the better option because that’s not always true, but your decision about which anesthesia method to select should not be based on price alone, nor should it be based on the myth that local anesthesia is always the safest method (this is also not always true). The best anesthesia for liposuction should provide a good balance between cost, comfort, safety, and affording your surgeon the ability to do the best job he can so you get the best result possible.

The best anesthesia method will allow all of the above to be possible, so there is no need to cut corners as long as you have the facts. Keep reading to learn more about the anesthesia options for liposuction and other cosmetic procedures…


When can I exercise after breast augmentation surgery?

working out after breast augmentationThe majority of our breast augmentation clientele is quite active, so we frequently field questions about getting back to the gym and other physical activity after surgery.

The recommendations for when to get back to the gym after breast augmentation surgery depend on what type of procedure you had, what type of implants you have, and in which position those implants were placed. There is no universal set of guidelines for every breast augmentation patient. The recommendations for each patient in our practice are as customized as our procedures, so if you had your procedure in another office, please consult with your surgeon before following any of the recommendations offered here.

Keep reading to find out when you can get moving again based on the specifics of your procedure…
