Breast Augmentation
Before and after photos

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This is a 22 year-old woman (5’6″ 140lbs) who wore an B-cup bra, but wanted to be a DD cup instead. She had 533cc moderate profile silicone implants placed under the muscle through an incision in the fold under her breasts. 533cc is a sizable implant for any body type, and it is very difficult to achieve a natural look, so The Playmate Breast Augmentation Technique was used here, and this is the result at only 2 weeks after surgery!!! The bottom half of her breast still looks a little flat because she is not fully stretched yet. The remainder of her stretching will happen over the next 2 months, and that will cause the bottom half of both breasts to round out even more for a truly sexy result that only the Playmate technique can achieve without looking obviously fake.
Before and After The Playmate Breast Augmentation by New York Plastic Surgeon Dr. Nicholas Vendemia of MAS. If you would like more information about breast augmentation, please give us a call at 917-703-7069 or click here to schedule a consultation.
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