Deltoid Implants
Before and after photos

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This is a 24 year old man who wanted a more muscular physique, and in particular, wider shoulders. He opted for a standard medial-head deltoid augmentation with a custom carved solid silicone implant on each side placed through an axillary (armpit) incision. His shoulders are larger, more defined, and more muscular, but still look very natural. His entire upper body looks more masculine and mature. The implants widen his frame just enough to be noticeable, but they are soft enough and properly positioned so that they don’t look fake. This is his result two weeks after surgery, and he is so thrilled with the results that he is already thinking about pectoral implants to further augment his physique.
Before and After Deltoid Augmentation with custom silicone implants in New York by Deltoid implant Specialist Dr. Nicholas Vendemia, a plastic surgeon in New York City at MAS. If you would like more information about deltoid augmentation, please give us a call at 917-703-7069 or send us a message by clicking here.
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