Inverted Nipple Repair
Before and after photos

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This is a 28 year old woman who had moderately inverted nipples and wished to have them repaired. Her nipples inverted with cold weather and intense exercise, but they did evert spontaneously on occasion. She underwent an inverted nipple repair procedure, and this is the result at only 2 weeks after surgery. It was not necessary to divide the milk ducts since they were able to be stretched successfully during the proceudre. She went back to work the next day, took only a few pain pills during the entire recovery period, and has almost no visible scars even at this early stage. She described the process as being “so much easier that I thought”, and is thrilled with the results.
Before and After Inverted Nipple Repair by Plastic Surgeons in New York Dr. Nicholas Vendemia of MAS | Manhattan Aesthetic Surgery. If you would like more information about inverted nipple repair surgery, please give us a call at 917-703-7069 or send us a message by clicking here.
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