Before and after photos

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This is a wonderful example of the unbelievable results possible with our Liposculpting techniques here at MAS. Using several specially designed cannuals, and a combination of both tumescent and laser liposuction devices, this 30 year old woman’s butt, hips and thighs were sculpted to look at least 10 years younger. Her waist and love handles shrunk several inches so her skinny jeans and skirts fit better. Her upper and lower buttocks were sculpted to give her a rounder more compact shape so it looks lifted. Her saddle bags were removed completely giving her a leaner and lighter apperance. Her inner thighs were suctioned and tightened to furtehr slim the thighs.
She had a total of four areas of liposculpting performed (love handles, buttocks, inner thighs, outer thighs), and 2.7 liters of fat was removed. This is the result at six months after surgery, and she will continue to shrink and tighten all the way out to 12 or 14 months.
Before and After Liposuction and Liposculpting by Lipo Specialist in New York Dr. Nicholas Vendemia of MAS | Manhattan Aesthetic Surgery. If you would like more information about liposculpting, please give us a call at 917-703-7069 or send us a message by clicking here.
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