Tummy Tuck
Before and after photos

Age: 39Height: 5'2"Weight: 115lbs Procedure(s): Abdominoplasty, rectus muscle repair
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This is a 39 year-old mother of three who was unable to get rid of the “bulge” in her lower abdomen no matter how many crunches she did. She felt that it was visible anytime she wore form-fitting clothing, and had been feeling self conscious about her abdomen becasue it’s out of shape appearnce didn’t match the rest of her fit body. As you can see in her Before photo, her rectus muscles (the “six pack muscles”) are split widely off to the sides of her abdomen instead of running directly down the center where they should be, and this is the reason for the bulge she describes. When the muscles become this widely split, they can not longer function appropriately and contract to keep the abdomen flat.
She underwent an abdominplasty procedure with a full rectus muscle repair to bring the muscles back to the midline of her abdomen (close the diastasis), remove the excess stretched out skin and stretch marks, repair an umbilical (belly button) hernia, and reshape her stretched out belly button for a more attractive and natural look. You can see the amazing difference in the flatness of her abdomen in the After photo, and that is due to the muscle repositioning towards the center. Interestily, she described a feeling of being able to breathe more easily after the procedure because her rib cage felt like it was in a better position to take a deep breath. Since the rectus muscles are attached to the lower portion of the rib cage, this bonus effect can sometimes occur after abdominolasty procedures that include full rectus muscle repairs.
Her scar is hidden well below her panty line, her abdomen is flatter than it was before her first pregnancy, her belly button looks so much more attractive, and she described her recovery period as being “so much easier than I thought it would be.” She also had a breast augmentation procedure with silicone breast implant at the same time as her tummy tuck, which is a common combination of procedures that go together very well. Click here is you would like to see her breast implant before and after photos.
Before and After tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) in New York by NYC Plastic Surgeon Dr. Nicholas Vendemia. If you would like more information about abdominoplasty or abdominal muscle repairs after pregnancy, please give us a call at 917-703-7069 or send us a message by clicking here.
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