Breast Augmentation
Before and after photos

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This is a 29 year old woman (5’8″ 125lbs) who went from a small B cup to a D cup with 397cc moderate profile silicone breast implants placed under the muscle (submuscular) through incisions in the fold under her breast (inframammary incisions).
Her main goals were to improve the shape, fullness, and cleavage to better match the rest of her body, and to look more feminine in a bikini since she is from Southern California and spends a great deal of time at the beach. She was most concerned about getting back to work in a short about of time, so she elected to have the Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation procedure with the Playmate Technique to place larger size implants that still look natural.
She was back to almost all of her normal activities on the 3rd day after surgery, and wearing a normal underwire bra on the 7th day after the procedure. And the best part about these photos is that they were taken only 2 weeks after surgery! This is a phenomenal result so soon after the procedure with absolutely no bruising, minimal swelling, and the scars are already very well hidden. The implants will continue to settle over the next 2-3 months, but they already look amazing.
If you’re interested in the Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation or The Playmate Technique, please give us a call at 917-703-7069 to schedule a consultation.
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