Chin Implants
Before and after photos

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This is a 24 year old man who wanted a stronger jawline and a more angular, masculine chin. He opted for a Anatomic Chin Implant placed through an intraoral incision (inside the mouth), and this is the result at 2 weeks after surgery. As you can see, there is a tremendous improvement in the appearance of his chin and jaw, and there is no visible scar because the procedure was performed entirely from the inside of his mouth. His entire face looks more masculine and mature, an aside from a small amount of swelling and bruising for 3 days after the procedure, the recovery period was nearly painless and quite manageable.
Before and After Chin Augmentation with an Implant in New York by Chin Implant Specialist Dr. Nicholas Vendemia, a plastic surgeon at MAS. If you would like more information about chin augmentation options (surgical or nonsurgical), please give us a call at 917-703-7069 or send us a message by clicking here.
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