Mommy Makeover
Before and after photos

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This is a 39 year-old mother of three (5’2″ 115lbs) who wanted her pre-baby body back by having a Mommy Makeover procedure that included a breast augmentation and an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck).
BREAST AUGMENTATION: She felt as though she had lost nearly all of her volume after her second pregnancy, and wanted to restore the fullness and cleavage that she has when she was younger, but she was also very concerned about still looking natural with breast implants. She had 339cc moderate profile silicone implants placed under the muscle, and the final result is outstanding. Placing the implants under the muscle gives the breasts a very natural slope in the cleavage area, and using silicone makes them feel just as soft as a natural breast. The scars are completely hidden in the folds under the breasts. This turned out to be a small C cup for her, and this is the final result at 2 months after surgery. Her breast augmentation photos are also available in the Breast Augmentation gallery.
TUMMY TUCK: You can easily see the thinned and stretched skin on her abdomen, and the large central bulge caused by separated abdominal muscles. She also had a small belly button herniation that needed to be repaired. During her abdominoplasty procedure, the excess skin was removed, and her abdominal muscles were repaired back to the midline of her abdomen to flatten and tighten her stomach. Her belly button hernia was repaired, and converted to an “innie” for a more attractive appearance. Her abdomen looks like it did before she ever had children, and the scar is hidden well below her panty line so that it’s always inconspicuous.
Before and After Breast Augmentation and Abdominoplasty by Mommy Makeover Specialist in New York Dr. Nicholas Vendemia of MAS | Manhattan Aesthetic Surgery. If you would like more information about breast augmentation or mommy makeover surgery, please give us a call at 917-703-7069 or send us a message by clicking here.
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