Necklift by Dr. Vendemia
Dr. Vendemia is just great! Although I had been contemplating getting my saggy/baggy neck trimmed for sometime, I was very reluctant to take the plunge. It was a familial thing but as I was 64 it really became a major issue as I felt I looked much older than I felt. I had gone for 3 consultations before I met Dr. V, but as soon as I met him I had a sense he was going to be the right doctor for me. Why? Because he listened to me, and was very patient. He took the time to answer all my questions, and addressed all my misgivings. It was very important to me that it look natural. Since I was only having my lower half done, I was very concerned that the work would be obvious (as compared to the top half of my face). My sisters (who I had told) are 10 & 12 years younger than I am are planning on getting their’s done in the future with Dr. V, but my brother (only 3 years younger) and son, didn’t notice a thing. Perfect!