Breast Augmentation
Before and after photos

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This is a 39 year-old woman (5’5″ 180lbs) who went from a B cup to a DD cup with smooth, round, 533cc moderate profile silicone breast implants.
The implants were placed under the muscle through incisions in the creases under the breasts, and her procedure was unique in the fact that her breasts were extremely asymmetric. Her left breast was significantly smaller and less-projecting than her right breast, and the fold under her left breast was also higher and misshapen compared to the opposite side. Rather than deal with the hassle of using two different size implants to correct the size discrepancy, microliposuction was used to reduce and reshape the right breast to more closely match the opposite side. The result you see here is at four months after the procedure, and as you can see, there is a tremendous improvement in size, symmetry, and overall balance of her torso.
Before and After The Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation by New York Plastic Surgeon Dr. Nicholas Vendemia of MAS. If you would like more information about breast augmentation, please give us a call at 917-703-7069 or click here to schedule a consultation.
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