Breast Implant Revision
Before and after photos

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This is a 32 woman who was not happy with the appearnce of her old saline implants for several reasons. Firstly, she wanted a larger, sexier size without looking obviously fake, so she opted to have The Playmate Technique to upgrade her 350cc salines to 560cc silicone implants. Secondly, she wanted to improve the feel of her implants, and minimize the rippling that is very common with saline implants. In order to accomplish this goal she opted for the newest generation smooth round silicone implant with a fuller gel fill, the Inspira implant. The Inspira implant is an excellent device that combines the amazingly natural feel of the teardrop implant with the sexiness of a round implant, and it is the only implant on the market that accomplishes these two things. Thirdly, she wanted to fix her extreme animation deformity (see the last photo in the front view). When she flexed her chest muscles, her right implant moved considerably towards her armpit and took on a deformed shape. This is due to an inadequate release of the perctoralis muscle fibers during her original breast augmentation surgery, and it was repaired with a meticulous revision technique during her Playmate operation.
She now has an unbelievably beautiful set of Inspira silicone implants. They are incredicbly symmetric, free of rippling, have an outstanding natural feel, and an extremely sexy appearance without being unnatural or out of proportion. Results like this cannot be accomplished without the exclusive Playmate Technique created by Dr. Vendemia, so if you want a result like this please give our office a call today and schedule your consultation.
Before and After Breast Implant Revision by Breast Implant Specialist in New York Dr. Nicholas Vendemia of MAS | Manhattan Aesthetic Surgery. If you would like more information about breast implant revision surgery, please give us a call at 917-703-7069 or send us a message by clicking here.
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