Overview of a Facelift – NYC | New York | Manhattan
Dr. Nicholas Vendemis an experienced plastic surgeon in Manhattan, NYC, providing state of the art cosmetic surgery procedures such as breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, and facelift, among others. A facelift is one of the more popular procedures because the face is the central focus of an individual’s aesthetic appearance. A facelift can effectively reduce the signs of aging, tightening the weakened facial muscles and skin, and reposition underlying fat to provide a more attractive and youthful looking facial contour.
Types of Facelift
Tradtional and endoscopic facelift are two primary ways in which this procedure may usually be performed by a cosmetic surgeon. Traditional facelift surgery is designed to reduce excess fat and loose kin from the lower face and neck region, along with tightening of the underlying muscles. Apart from reducing loose skin and excess fat deposits, a traditional facelift may also correct conditions such as sagging jowls, sagging midface, lines beneath lower eyelids, double chin and lines around the mouth.
Endoscopic facelift procedure is relatively less invasive, and results in lesser scarring. This technique involves the insertion of a miniature camera through discreetly made incisions on the face. This helps the plastic surgeon to view the inside of the face while performing the procedure. Cheeks and upper face can be lifted in a precise and targeted manner. Endoscopic lift can help correct conditions such as cheek folds, drooping brows, frown lines, creases around the mouth, and sagging cheeks, jowls, and midface.
Dr. Vendemia evaluates a patient’s general health condition, facial anatomy and aesthetic goals before recommending facelift plastic surgery to his patients in and around New York City. He may combine facelift with rhinoplasty, neck lift or another procedure, depending on the unique needs of a patient. The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia or IV sedation. The underlying weakened or separated tissue and muscles are tightening as the skin is lifted off the face to perform the surgery.
The procedure begins with an incision that is placed in the temple area and around the ear. Once the excess fat, skin and tissue has been removed, fats are repositioned and loose muscles are tightened, the surgeon will re-drape the skin over the face and close the incisions with sutures. Dr. Vendemia ensures that this procedure is performed for his patients in and around Manhattan, NYC in a safe and optimal manner. He will make the incision along the hairline or in an area where the skin is naturally creasing, to keep the scars concealed as far as possible.
Recovery and Results
Bandages from the face will be removed in a day or two after the surgery, and drain tube, if any, may also be removed at the same time. In about a week’s time, the sutures will be removed. Most patients may resume their regular activities in about 10 to 14 days following the surgery. The results of a facelift are usually long lasting and spectacular. A full facelift surgery can reduce about eight to 10 years from the patient’s face in terms of facial appearance.
For more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Nicholas Vendemia (Dr. V) performs in New York City / Manhattan visit: