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This woman presented with a classic and quite severe case of rosacea. Her cheeks, nose and chin were flushed with red irritated capillaries nearly all the time, and the flushing worsened to the point of burning with certain makeup and cleansers, with sun exposure, and with alcohol consumption. Her condition progressively worsesned over a period of 3-5 years (to the ponit that she could not find any makeup that would hide the redness), and she decided to seek treatment when it becasue too much to tolerate.
Prior to coming ot MAS for laser rosacea treatments, she was prescribed several different creams and pills from a few differnent dermatologists, and received laser treatments at another office without having any noticable improvement. After having a personal consultation with Dr. Vendemia, she was started on a week preparatory phase with a gentle antibiotic and a nighttime ointment to being reducing the inflammation in preparation for a series of Optimized Pulsed Light (OPL) treatments designed to reduced or collapse as many of the inflamed, dilated, capillaries as possible.
The flushing is much improved after 5 sessions of this combination treatment program, and she can now easily cover up the remaning redness with makeup for the first time since she developed rosacea.
Before and After laser treatments for rosacea in New York by Laser Skin Care Specialist Dr. Nicholas Vendemia, a plastic surgeon in New York City at MAS. If you would like more information about laser skin care options please give us a call at 917-703-7069 or send us a message by clicking here.
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