Manhattan Aesthetic Surgery, NYC is a facility in the area for offering a range of cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures. Dr. Vendemia, or simply Dr. V, who heads the facility, makes sure that it is regularly updated with advanced equipment to achieve best cosmetic surgery results in a safe and conservative manner.
Dr. V and his team take pride in promoting your well-being and enhancing your appearance by providing you support at every step. They will work in close consultation with you at every stage to achieve the results you desire, while ensuring the results are as natural looking as possible. If you need eyelid surgery in Manhattan, Dr. V may be the right choice of a plastic surgeon.
What is Eyelid Surgery?
Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure that may be performed on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both combined to achieve more youthful and relaxed appearance for the eyes. The procedure is usually performed for cosmetic reasons, but may also be performed in cases where the eyelids are causing vision obstruction. The procedure involves downtime of a few days, but the results are long-lasting and repeat surgeries are rarely required.
The goal of an eyelid surgery is to remove excess skin that is sagging over the eyes, and remove excess fat deposits from the eyelids that are giving a baggy look. With the surgery, the patient is able to achieve a more open and refreshed look for the eyes. With a plastic surgeon, such as Dr. V in New York City, the procedure will have minimal scars which will be well-concealed as far as possible.
Why do you Need Eyelid Surgery?
Dr. V may recommend eyelid surgery in Manhattan after evaluating your facial profile and general condition of your eyes. In most cases, this procedure may be recommended for one or more of the following reasons:
Loose Skin on Upper Eyelids
Upper eyelid surgery is performed when you have excess loose skin that makes the eyes look saggy, tired and older than they are. When this excess sagging skin is removed, the results can be very significant in terms of enhancing the appearance of the face. You will achieve an energized, youthful, and relaxed look after this procedure. Scars will be concealed underneath the natural eyelid crease to make them invisible to others.
Baggy Look and Dark Circles around Lower Eyelids
Lower eyelid surgery may be recommended when you have a conspicuous appearance of dark circles and bags under the lower eyelids. This surgery can reduce their conspicuous appearance and make the eyes look younger and brighter. The procedure also involves repair of the connective tissue to keep the natural fat pockets in the right position. Excess fats are removed to provide as sharper contour to the lower eyelids.
Excess Fat Deposits in Lower and Upper Eyelids
If you have protruding pockets of fat in the lower and upper eyelids due to excess fat tissue, you can have the condition corrected with lower and upper blepharoplasty. The procedure can remove excess fats, or if necessary, re-distribute the fats to a more natural position.
For eyelid surgery in Manhattan, Dr. V advises his patients to plan for a downtime of about five to seven days after an upper or lower blepharoplasty, and a week to 10 days when a combination procedure of upper and lower eyelids is performed. The recovery does not involve significant pain or discomfort, but swelling and bruising occurs typically with this procedure, which may last for up to a week.
Good Candidates
This procedure is usually performed under local or twilight anesthesia, which means that most people can be good candidates. Patients of high blood pressure have to ensure that their condition is completely under control with medication prior to the surgery. Superb candidates will have realistic expectations from the procedure to achieve best satisfaction. The surgery is typically performed on patients who are above 30 years, but those who have droopy eyelids as a genetic factor, may get the surgery done sooner.
Preparing for the Surgery
Eyelid surgery is usually performed as an outpatient procedure. It is a fairly simple surgery when performed by an experienced blepharoplasty surgeon, but you will need to have a person to drive you home after the procedure. You should preferably have someone stay with you for 24 hours following the surgery. Plan to cut down on your work that involves strain on the eyes for a few days. In a few cases, the patient may experience dry eyes after the procedure. Get in touch with your surgeon for advice if you face this problem.
For more information on plastic surgery procedures and treatment Dr. Nicholas Vendemia (Dr. V) performs in New York City / Manhattan visit: