Breast Augmentation
Before and after photos

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This is a 32 year-old woman (5’6″1205lbs) who wanted a very natural breast augmentation, but also one with an element of sexiness to match her excellent figure. She underwent a submuscular breast augmentation with Natrelle Style 15-304cc moderate profile silicone implants, and this is the result at 4 months after surgery. Because she started with such a small natural breast, the time for her implants to settle completely was slightly higher than average, but this is to be expected when starting with such a small amount of breast tissue and skin. The stretching and settling process takes about 3 months on average.
Before and After The Natural Breast Augmentation by New York Plastic Surgeon Dr. Nicholas Vendemia of MAS. If you would like more information about breast augmentation, please give us a call at 917-703-7069 or click here to schedule a consultation.
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