Breast Augmentation
Before and after photos

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This is a 22 year old woman (5’3″ 100lbs) who had almost no natural breast tissue to start with, and wanted to be a B/C cup instead.
This is a beautiful example of what can be accomplished with The Natural Breast Augmentation Technique with teardrop shaped gummy bear implants, and why they are such a valuable part of breast augmentation surgery when you are starting from such a small size. Any round implant in a case like this will always look a bit round, no matter how well the proceudre is done. But a teardrop implant produces a far superior result in cases like this.
This is the result at 6 months after surgery, and the results will continue to improve and become even more natural all fhe way to 2 full years. Her implants are Natrelle Style 410FF-290cc textured teardrop gummy bears, and they are under the muscle.
If you’re interested in the Teardrop Gummy Bear Implants, please give us a call at 917-703-7069to schedule a consultation.
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