Breast Augmentation
Before and after photos

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This is a 35 year-old mother of two (5’6″ 135lbs) who traveled to New York for Playmate Breast AugmentationTM.
Her implants are Natrelle Inspira Style SRM-520cc smooth, round, silicone, placed under the muscle, through inframammary incisions (in the folds under the breasts), and this is the result at 3 months after surgery. The result is still quite natural given the fact that her implants are 520cc’s, and this is the signature of the Playmate Breast Augmentation… larger sizes can still look reasonable and natural if they are placed properly.
As a side note, she also had LipoSculpting of her waist and love handles at the same time, and those photos are visible in the LIpoSculpting gallery… click here.
Playmate Breast Augmentation by Breast Implant Specialist in New York Dr. Nicholas Vendemia of MAS | Manhattan Aesthetic Surgery. If you would like more information about breast implants, please give us a call at 917-703-7069 or send us a message by clicking here.
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