Breast Augmentation
Before and after photos

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This is a 28 year old woman (5’10” 140lbs) who went from an cup to a DD cup with The Playmate Breast Augmentation Technique.
The Playmate Breast Augmentation was developed specifically for cases like this where a woman has very small breasts for her frame, but wants to use a larger than average size. When cases like this are not performed properly, large size implants will sit quite high on the chest, they can take on odd rectangular shapes, or they can bottom out severely going down towards teh abdomen. The Playmate Technique allows for the precise creation of a “pocket” for the larger implant that allows the natural breast to stretch in a natural way while providing additinoal support for the larger, hearvier implant.
This is the result two months after surgery, and it is truly exceptional. All of her goals were accomplished. She got the larger size she wanted without looking ridicluous. The shape is beautiful, round, and sexy. Her cleavage is very close together like she prefers. Her scars are completely hidden. Ahd even though the implants are much larger than would be typically recommended for her, they are supported from the inside.
Her implants are Natrelle Style 15 Moderate Profile smooth round 533cc, placed under the muscle, with the scars in the folds under the breasts.
If you’re interested in the Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation or The Playmate Technique, please give us a call at 917-703-7069 to schedule a consultation.
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