Breast Augmentation
Before and after photos

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This is a 26 year old woman (5’7″ 115lbs) who went from an cup to a DD cup with 457cc moderate profile silicone gummy bear implants. The implants are under the muscle (submuscular, and the incisions are placed in the folds under her breasts (inframammary incisions).
This is a beautiful example of what The Playmate Breast Augmentation Technique can accomplish. This exclusive technique developed by Dr. Nicholas Vendemia allows larger sized implants with a sexier profile to be used in women with petite frames without resulting in an unnatural or “porn star” appearance. In this particular women, 457cc implants are quite large for her small frame and original breast size, but if you look closely through her Before and After photos, you can see that even on the first day after surgrery they look quite nice.
The After result you see here is at only 3 weeks after surgery. She was able to raise her arms completely over her head in the recovery room, and back to normal non-strenous activities the very next day.
If you’re interested in the Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation or The Playmate Technique, please give us a call at 917-703-7069 to schedule a consultation.
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