I held out for almost ten years to find the right doctor for breast implants.
I waivered back and forth for almost ten years on the issue of breast implants. At 51 years old and after having two children I felt like my breasts had been through a war and, as much as I am such a health conscious woman and always felt so fortunate to be breast cancer free, each day that I looked in the mirror I felt a loss. I had breasts once , and now I did not. It was like a grieving process for me even though my sexuality and sensuality were not even affected by my breasts. I started interviewing surgeons around five years ago and never felt right , never felt a connection. I held out for the right surgeon because I always follow my gut, it’s your first ‘brain’ in my book. Upon meeting Dr. Vendemia, I felt a warm and concerned connection. He made eye contact with me in a powerful way and not once did I feel rushed, over-concerned, or that I was asking too many questions. The doctor not only listened to all my concerns but he even told me the reasons why I would not be a good candidate for surgery (for example : if I was 100 percent sure that my nipples were major to my sexuality, then there could possibly be loss of sensation) something I may not want to give up- he also advised that sometimes sensitivity is increased. He was never pushy and more so than just a surgeon he is truly an artist. I went through all the ups and downs of recovery – and even though it is only 3 and 1/2 days after my procedure, I am pain free since day 1. I have experienced the advised ‘soreness’ and ‘tightness’ and also emotionally doubting myself etc. Dr. Vendemia employs an angel named Karin who will answer your call/text/email almost immediately. I felt so good that I actually commuted to work on day 3 and then realized that emotionally I rushed it – Karin insisted to speak with me to discuss what was happening and resolved it all for me. I am giving myself my needed recovery period on the couch and she understands all our ‘woman’ concerns and feelings. The price you pay for your surgery is not just for surgery – it’s a package deal: amazing pre-op staff (anesthesia, nurses, etc) – wonderful surgery with amazing results – constant 24/7 medical/emotional contact and daily follow up/ medical advice regarding going forward with choices of bra companies to preserve the work of art and even a follow up from the wonderful surgery center. What more could I have asked for? I am so happy I waited and did all my research and found Dr. Vendemia. I even had an issue with going right back into my routine being superwoman and Karin was wonderful with all her advice . She’s said I don’t have to prove anything to anyone – I am allowed to rest and recover – she helped me so much and continues to text me and email me day and night. My recommendation is this: if you want to have your breasts enhanced for yourself and you want to have the best overall experience … Consult with Dr. Vendemia. He is a true caring professional who I will recommend to friends and family – and may start another procedure soon! Thank you Karin and thank you Dr. Vendemia and your hands of gold