Sclerotherapy at MAS
I wouldn’t normally announce to the world any cosmetic procedures I have had (this is the first, actually) but I was so impressed with Manhattan Aesthetic Surgery that I felt compelled to review them and to hell with any embarrassment or pointing and staring.
I got a Groupon for sclerotherapy to zap the increasing network of tiny bloodvessels that were starting to look like the NYC subway map on my legs.
Making the appointment was easy and the person I spoke to (sorry can’t remember her name) was extremely friendly and helpful.
Once at the surgery, I was whisked away immediately to fill out paperwork and then was taken into a consulting room by Shea who would perform the procedure.
Shea is, in a word, lovely. She isn’t a cosmetic surgeon, but she is qualified to perform non-surgical procedures such as sclerotherapy, botox, radiesse etc. She explained what was going to happen, what she would be using (Asclera) and that it isn’t successful for everyone. She told me what would happen to the veins and answered my questions and concerns, all to my satisfaction. Then the sticking began. It wasn’t too bad, stung a little but nothing that made me want to stop or yelp out.
I was advised to wear glamourous compression hose, full-length if possible, for at least 3 days, up to 2 weeks if I could stand it. I managed the minimal 3 days BUT I did wear them to bed, much to my husband’s delight…
It’s now been a couple of weeks since my therapy and I must admit, I am very pleased with the results. The veins have either gone completely or have diminished significantly. I am particularly pleased with the disappearance of a particularly ugly dark vein I had right in the crook of the back of my left leg – gone! Evanesco! (As Harry Potter would say if he had spider veins he wanted rid of).
Based on this experience, I would definitely go back to this practice. Professional, friendly (yes, even with a Groupon!) and effective.