As yoga pants become more and more popular, so have labiaplasty procedures.
The size, shape and symmetry of the labia affect the contour visible in tight fitting clothing like yoga pants and tights, and a larger than average contour– sometimes referred to as a bulge or camel toe– can be an unwelcome source of anxiety and self-consciousness. The benefits of having “Designer Vaginal Surgery” also extend beyond the realm of cosmetics. Unusually large or asymmetric labia can cause difficultly in grooming, and can cause discomfort during activities that place pressure on the area like sex or an intense spin class with frequent sitting on a hard and narrow seat.
The procedure takes about 45-90 minutes, and although it can be performed under local anesthesia, it is worth considering a gentle twilight anesthetic for the most comfortable experience possible. It’s a very sensitive area, and it’s not necessarily something that every woman would want to be awake for, but it is very possible to do so if your budget is more limited than you would like.
There are typically no stitches to remove– they all dissolve– and there is no real “downtime”. The surgical area will be sore and sensitive for a few weeks, but this does not typically impact normal daily activities. Taking a day or two off of work after the procedure is recommended, but not necessary as long as your job does not require a great deal of physical activity.
How can I get more information about labiaplasty?
Feel free to give us a call at 917-703-7069, or send us a message by clicking here Or read more about the procedure on our main information page here.
Photo Credit: Manhattan Aesthetic Surgery LLC