Breast Augmentation Costs New York City | Manhattan

Breast Augmentation Costs

shutterstock_109377992New York based plastic surgeon, Dr. Nicholas Vendemia, provides a comprehensive range of reconstructive and cosmetic surgery procedures for the breast, body, and face. He heads Manhattan Aesthetic Surgery, which is a state of the practice for patients in and around New York City. Dr. Vendemia is an experienced cosmetic surgeon for procedures ranging from tummy tuck to rhinoplasty and from liposuction to facelift.

Asking the Right Questions on Cost

The American Society for Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) says that cost of a plastic surgery procedure should be considered only as a secondary factor while choosing an appropriate practice for a procedure. However, it is important to ask the right questions related to cost, so that the patient is fully aware of the cost components, and can make an informed decision about a procedure. During the initial consultation, the surgeon will discuss the cost aspect in detail. The patient should ask the following questions to address all cost related concerns:

  • What will be the total estimated cost of breast augmentation surgery?
  • Is the price quoted inclusive of various cost components such as breast implants, surgical garments, medical tests, and post-op visits?
  • Is the cost of anesthesia included in the price?
  • Is the cost of use of an accredited operating facility included?
  • What are the payment terms and financing options, if any?

Dr. Vendemia in NYC addresses all the cost-related concerns of his patients in detail so that they can make an informed decision about the breast implant cosmetic surgery procedure.

Surgeon’s Fee

The surgeon’s fee in case of breast augmentation procedure may range anywhere between $3,000 and $5,000. The exact fee may depend on the surgeon’s assessment of the complexity of the procedure and the length of time it will take to perform it. Surgeons with high skills, experience and specialization in breast augmentation procedure may charge a higher fee because they may be more hard pressed for time.

Cost of Breast Implants

Saline implants will typically cost in the range of $1,200 to $1,400, while silicone implants cost around $2,000. Patients should choose the implants in consultation with the plastic surgeon because the choice of implants can have an impact on the final outcome of the procedure.

Anesthesia and Surgical Facility Costs

Fees of the anesthesiologist and their team as well as the use of a surgical facility are likely to cost in the range of $2,000 to $3,500. This figure may depend on the amount of time the surgeon may need to perform the procedure. Choosing an experienced anesthesiologist can help to make the procedure safer and it may not be a good idea to cut corners on these important components of the overall procedure.

Additional Costs

As an experienced cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Vendemia makes sure that his patients are informed about all possible costs so that they can plan their finances correctly.

Cost of Surgical Garments: Sometimes a surgeon may require the patient to purchase post-op garments or special bras prior to the surgery. The patient should choose the appropriate garments in consultation with the surgeon.

Cost of Medical Tests: Some surgeons require a few medical tests to be conducted before the procedure. Specific medical tests may also be necessary depending on a patient’s health condition.

Cost of Mammogram: If the patient has not had a mammogram in the last one year before the date of surgery, she may be required to undergo this test. This cost may or may not be covered under the patient’s health plan.

Dr. Vendemia in Manhattan, NYC would offer a financing plan through professional financing organizations to patients who may need financing for breast augmentation surgery. Patients with a reasonable credit score will usually qualify for an effective and sterling financing plan, depending on that score.

Overall Cost of Breast Augmentation

The total cost of breast augmentation, including all cost components, may range between $6,000 and $10,000 on average. Location of the plastic surgery practice and the experience and expertise of the operating surgeon makes a key difference to the overall cost. As per the data collected by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) in 2012, the average cost of breast augmentation on a national basis was $3,543.

However, this is only the basic cost figure, and does not include the costs of anesthesia, operating room costs, and other related expenses. ASPS clarified that the cost will differ from one place to another and also from one practice to another due to various factors involved. According to ASPS, the cost aspect should be secondary when choosing a plastic surgeon for a major procedure, and safety and desired results should be the priority.

For more information on plastic surgery procedures and treatment Dr. Nicholas Vendemia (Dr. V) performs in New York City / Manhattan visit: 
