Do You Need Love Handle ( AKA muffin top ) Liposuction?

Do You Need Love Handle ( AKA muffin top ) Liposuction?A common aesthetic concern of patients is to get rid of the dreaded ‘muffin top’ look, which is caused by love handles. It makes them appear heavier than they actually are. That makes love handles as one of the most requested liposuction areas. The challenge is that it can be difficult to tone and trip this area with diet and exercise.

Love handle liposuction is typically combined with abdominal liposuction or other procedures to achieve the desired contour. The fabulous part is that liposuction in the love handle area can cause a very significant impact in terms of aesthetics. Recovery is faster and easier, which makes it a fairly safe area for liposuction.

Awesome Candidates

Love handle liposuction is best suited for people who are bothered by localized accumulated fat in the love handle area. Outstanding candidates will typically have fine health and moderate body weight. Liposuction is not designed to be a weight reduction procedure.

The patient should ideally be a non-smoker or be prepared to quit smoking few weeks before and after the procedure. Patients with realistic expectations about what love handle liposuction can and cannot achieve will usually achieve the best satisfaction levels.


An experienced plastic surgeon will customize the treatment according to the aesthetic needs of an individual patient. The procedure of love handle liposuction involves making small incisions in the targeted area. A tiny, slender tube called a cannula is used to dislodge and remove the fat deposits from the love handles. The surgeon will try to hide the tiny incisions within the natural creases of the body so that scars remain inconspicuous later on.

Following the surgery, the patient may have to wear a compression garment for support and to expedite healing. Initial swelling and bruising will subside within a few weeks. As the swelling resolves completely over a period of few months, slimmer and firmer contours in the treated area will be revealed.

For more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Nicholas Vendemia (Dr. V) performs in New York City / Manhattan visit: 
