Juvederm VOLUMA is a new injectable soft tissue filler from Allergan that will compete with Radiesse and Sculptra for lifting the soft tissue of the face without surgery…
VOLUMA has a much higher G1 (“G-prime”) than Juvederm Ultra or Ultra Plus, and that means that it’s designed for lifting, not for plumping. It should be excellent for lifting the mid face soft tissue by injecting it deeply into the cheekbones, submalar hollows, and jawline. The deep injection technique may best free wordpress themes not be safe with less experience injectors, so this new product may not be for everyone. Make sure you assess your injector for their comfort level with very deep injections since that’s a necessary part of the process with VOLUMA.
VOLUMA will likely be a key competitor for Sculptra, which is already marketed as the Liquid Facelift product, and it will likely carry a premium price tag just like Sculptra. The main advantage that VOLUMA will have over Sculptra is that the results are seen immediately… the results from Sculptra aren’t typically seen for 2-3 months. In addition, since Voluma is an HA (hyaluronic acid) filler, it can be reversed… Sculptra cannot. Sculptra is a fantastic product for the cheekbones, under eyes, and mid face though, and it lasts longer than any product on the market, so don’t count it out just yet. Click here to learn more about Sculptra if you’re interested.
Juvederm VOLUMA is expected to be available in December of 2013, so if you are interested in having a consultation to find out more about your options, feel free to give our office a call at 917-703-7069 or send us a message through our website by clicking here.

Photo Credit: Allergan Medical