Rhinoplasty (Nose Job Surgery) Before and After Photos

Rhinoplasty (Nose Job Surgery) Before and After Photos – NYC | Manhattan | New York City

Rhinoplasty or nose job is a plastic surgery procedure aimed at enhancing the size, shape, and overall appearance of the nose to achieve best possible facial harmony. In some cases, the procedure may also be performed to correct functional anomalies such as obstruction in breathing. Dr. Nicholas Vendemia is an experienced plastic surgeon providing treatments such as breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, and liposuction to his patients in Manhattan, NYC and surrounding areas.

What are Nose Surgery Before and After Photos?

Before and after photos in case of rhinoplasty refer to a set of photographs of a previous patient who has received the same treatment with successful results. The set includes pictures taken prior to the procedure and after the procedure to show the difference to a new patient. The goal of rhinoplasty before and after photos is to help educate new patients about the effectiveness and suitability of nose surgery in their case.

See more Rhinoplasty (Nose Job Surgery) Before and After Photos

rhinoplasty before and after pictures dr. vrhinoplasty  nose job before and after photos dr. v

During the initial consultation for nose cosmetic surgery, an experienced surgeon will make use of the before and after photos. When a new patient visits the surgeon’s office for a consultation for nose job, he or she may not have a clear idea of the surgery. The surgeon will explain various aspects of the procedure during the consultation, and may use before and after pictures as a visual aid to show exactly what type of improvements in the appearance of the nose may be achieved and what will be the overall impact on the facial profile.

Choosing the Best Treatment Option

As an experienced cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Vendemia tries to make sure that his patients in and around New York City are aware of the various surgical treatment options available in their particular case. The goal is to help the patient make an informed choice and achieve the best satisfaction levels with that choice. Patients may be unsure whether to opt for full rhinoplasty or a mini procedure, or combine the procedure with cheek or chin augmentation to achieve more effective outcomes.

With the help of before and after pictures, it is possible to provide a clear idea to the patient about the impact of various treatment options. The patient is in a better position to make the appropriate choice along with recommendations of the plastic surgeon.

Expectations from Rhinoplasty

Sometimes the patient may form wrong expectations from nose surgery, despite the detailed explanations and advice of the surgeon during initial consultation. This can lead to the patient becoming disappointed with the final results, even if the plastic surgery may have been performed very successfully. This situation can be avoided when the surgeon makes use of before and after photos. This leaves no room for confusion, and the patient will know exactly what a nose surgery can or cannot do for them.

Website Images

Some surgeons decide to provide the rhinoplasty before and after photos online on their practice website. Anyone can have free access to these photos, and review the effectiveness of rhinoplasty before deciding whether to visit the surgeon’s office for an initial consultation.

For more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Nicholas Vendemia (Dr. V) performs in New York City / Manhattan visit: