My 3 Favorite Cosmetic Procedures!

Plastic surgeon new york, breast enlargement new york, rhinoplasty new york, liquid facelift new yorkOne question that I get asked all the time is, “What are your favorite procedures?” And in case you were wondering the same thing, here’s the answer:


Plastic surgeon new york, breast enlargement new yorkBreast augmentation is one of my favorite procedures because the newest highly-cohesive gel implants are fantastic devices with excellent safety profiles, and because it has one of the highest satisfaction rates of any cosmetic surgery! The procedure takes less than an hour, and most women can be back to work the next day with my Rapid RecoveryTM technique.


Plastic surgeon new york, rhinoplasty new yorkRhinoplasty is an incredibly difficult operation that requires a great deal of precision, experience, and skill… and that’s exactly why I love it! My definition of a good rhinoplasty is one that no one notices except the patient. The results should be subtle, natural, and beautiful, and you should look like a more attractive version of yourself afterwards… not like a different person. With my QuickComfortTM technique, there is almost no pain after surgery, and the recovery time is minimal.


Plastic surgeon new york, liquid facelift new yorkThere is no question about it… the Liquid Facelift is the future of facial rejuvenation! In experienced hands, you can get results that are comparable to a surgical facelift with almost no downtime, no pain, and less than 1/3 of the cost. In the LiteTouch Liquid FaceliftTM, I use a unique combination of several different injectible fillers to rebuild soft and natural volume in the cheekbones and under eyes, fill in deep lines and grooves around the mouth, and recontour the jawline to hide jowls and neck.

Dr. Nicholas Vendemia, M.D.

Plastic Surgeon New York City
President & Founder, MAS
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Saline vs Silicone Breast Implants: How to make the right decision!

breast enlargement new york, plastic surgery doctor

The “silicone scare” is old news, and silicone breast implants are rapidly becoming the favorite for breast augmentation surgery.

If you’re considering breast implants, but are still a little skeptical about silicone, make sure you do some research before you make a decision. You don’t have to rely on second-hand, outdated information.

Keep Reading to learn more about why silicone implants are becoming the “gold-standard” for breast augmentation.


The Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation™

breast implants nyc, best plastic surgeon for breast augmentationIn the past, women who had breast augmentation surgery took prescription pain pills for 7-10 days, had to take off work for up to two weeks, and had a stay out of the gym for up to two months. If you’re looking for an alternative, you’ve found it!

The Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation, offered exclusively at MAS in New York City, makes a long painful recovery a thing of the past. Most patients are back to work and most normal activities within a few days.

Continue Reading for more information about The Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation!


Fall Peel Party at MAS! Reserve your spot today!

chemical peels new york, plastic surgery new york

Three levels of chemical peels to choose from, all at 30% off regular price!

Bring a friend and each of you will receive 50% off!

November 3rd, 2012
11:00am – 2:00pm

60 E 56th Street, 7th Floor
(b/w Park & Madison)

RSVP 917-703-7069 or click here

 All are welcome to attend, but all peels are first-come-first-serve so make sure you RSVP by phone to reserve a time if you want a treatment!

New BEFORE & AFTER Rhinoplasty Photos! One week after surgery…

Nose surgery in New York by Rhinoplasty expert Dr. Nicholas Vendemia of MAS

This is a 33 year old woman who wanted to improve her profile by getting rid of the “bump” on the bridge of her nose, which is called a dorsal hump reduction, and softening the appearance of her tip by reshaping the delicate cartilages there.

This is the result at only ONE WEEK after a QuickComfort Rhinoplasty… no bruising… very minimal swelling… and the result will continue to improve for the next 6 months!

Feel free to give a call or text at 917-703-7069, or send us a message through our website if you have any questions or if you’re interested in scheduling a consultation!

Breast Augmentation Manhattan

Breast Augmentation Manhattan | NYC | New York City

breast augmentation surgery manhattan, nyc, new york cityManhattan Aesthetic Surgery in New York City is one of the premier practices for a wide range of plastic surgery procedures from rhinoplasty to tummy tuck and from facelift to mommy makeover. The practice is headed by Dr. Nicholas Vendemia, who is an experienced cosmetic surgeon for procedures related to the breast, body, and face. Patients in and around NYC can receive state of the art customized treatments from Dr. Vendemia.

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation has emerged as one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures in the last few years in the United States. With advancements in surgical techniques and innovative breast implant qualities, the procedure has become safer and leading to more aesthetically enhanced outcomes over the years. As a result, many women are encouraged to consider breast implant surgery to enlarge their breasts.

An experienced plastic surgeon such as Dr. Vendemia in Manhattan first evaluates whether a patient is a fit candidate for breast enhancement, and may recommend the most suitable treatment options. The procedure is clinically called augmentation mammaplasty, and it involves surgical placement of breast implants to increase the size, volume, and fullness of breasts.

Good Candidates

Breast augmentation plastic surgery may be recommended for different patients for different reasons. The surgeon will evaluate the health condition, anatomy, previous surgeries, and aesthetic needs of the patient to ensure whether she is a marvelous candidate for this procedure. Breast enhancement surgery is usually performed on patients with the following needs:

  • The patient is unhappy with the naturally small size of breasts, and is keen to enhance the size to make the breasts more proportionate to the rest of the body.
  • The patient has experienced loss of breast volume following a pregnancy or breastfeeding, or due to major weight loss.
  • The patient suffers from asymmetrical breasts to a moderate extent, which can be corrected with breast implants.
  • The patient has undergone a mastectomy or breast tissue damage due to an injury.
  • The patient is looking to enhance normal sized breasts further in order to accentuate the aesthetic appearance.

Patients should have realistic expectations from the breast cosmetic surgery procedure in order to achieve satisfactory outcomes. The plastic surgeon can help in this regard by showing before and after pictures to the patient, which can tell what a breast implant can or cannot do.

Combination with Breast Lift

Breast augmentation as an independent procedure cannot correct severely sagging breasts. This condition may offer due to aging, skin laxity or other factors. Breast lift surgery may be a more appropriate procedure to correct this condition and raise the breasts to a more youthful position. In some cases, the cosmetic surgeon in NYC or other places may recommend a combination of breast augmentation with breast lift.

The decision to opt for a combination surgery will be driven by the patient’s aesthetic needs where the patient is unhappy with the existing size of breasts as well as the drooping condition of the breasts. The surgery can be performed in a more conservative, safe and cost-effective manner when both procedures are combined.


The procedure will begin with the administering of general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. Medications may also be administered to ensure complete patient comfort during the procedure. Incisions are made in an inconspicuous manner to hide scarring. The surgeon will recommend one of the following three incision types:

  •  Inframammary incision
  •  Transaxillary incision
  •  Periareolar incision

Choice of breast implants is an important stage in the procedure, which can often impact the final outcome. FDA approved silicone and saline implants are available, and the surgeon will explain the pros and cons of both types to help the patient make an informed choice. The choice of implant size will largely depend on the breast anatomy, body type, and skin elasticity.

Breast implants can be placed under the pectoral muscle or directly behind the breast tissue, over the muscle. The surgeon will decide the appropriate placement in consultation with the patient at the time of treatment planning. Following the placement of implants, the plastic surgeon will close the incisions with sutures.

Results and Recovery

Breast augmentation results can be visible almost immediately, and full effects can be seen as the post-op swelling resolves and incision lines fade. Results of the surgery are long-lasting in most cases. Recovery takes place within 24 to 48 hours following the procedure, but the cosmetic surgeon will recommend an additional period of reduced activity for a few days. Minor swelling and soreness may remain for a few weeks. The surgeon may provide pain relieving medication for a few days to keep the patient comfortable.

For more information on plastic surgery procedures and treatment Dr. Nicholas Vendemia (Dr. V) performs in New York City / Manhattan visit: 


Facelift Surgery…is it for you?

Overview of a Facelift – NYC | New York | Manhattan

Facelift - NYC | New York | ManhattanDr. Nicholas Vendemis an experienced plastic surgeon in Manhattan, NYC, providing state of the art cosmetic surgery procedures such as breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, and facelift, among others. A facelift is one of the more popular procedures because the face is the central focus of an individual’s aesthetic appearance. A facelift can effectively reduce the signs of aging, tightening the weakened facial muscles and skin, and reposition underlying fat to provide a more attractive and youthful looking facial contour.

Types of Facelift

Tradtional and endoscopic facelift are two primary ways in which this procedure may usually be performed by a cosmetic surgeon. Traditional facelift surgery is designed to reduce excess fat and loose kin from the lower face and neck region, along with tightening of the underlying muscles. Apart from reducing loose skin and excess fat deposits, a traditional facelift may also correct conditions such as sagging jowls, sagging midface, lines beneath lower eyelids, double chin and lines around the mouth.

Endoscopic facelift procedure is relatively less invasive, and results in lesser scarring. This technique involves the insertion of a miniature camera through discreetly made incisions on the face. This helps the plastic surgeon to view the inside of the face while performing the procedure. Cheeks and upper face can be lifted in a precise and targeted manner. Endoscopic lift can help correct conditions such as cheek folds, drooping brows, frown lines, creases around the mouth, and sagging cheeks, jowls, and midface.


Dr. Vendemia evaluates a patient’s general health condition, facial anatomy and aesthetic goals before recommending facelift plastic surgery to his patients in and around New York City. He may combine facelift with rhinoplasty, neck lift or another procedure, depending on the unique needs of a patient. The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia or IV sedation. The underlying weakened or separated tissue and muscles are tightening as the skin is lifted off the face to perform the surgery.

The procedure begins with an incision that is placed in the temple area and around the ear. Once the excess fat, skin and tissue has been removed, fats are repositioned and loose muscles are tightened, the surgeon will re-drape the skin over the face and close the incisions with sutures. Dr. Vendemia ensures that this procedure is performed for his patients in and around Manhattan, NYC in a safe and optimal manner. He will make the incision along the hairline or in an area where the skin is naturally creasing, to keep the scars concealed as far as possible.

Recovery and Results

Bandages from the face will be removed in a day or two after the surgery, and drain tube, if any, may also be removed at the same time. In about a week’s time, the sutures will be removed. Most patients may resume their regular activities in about 10 to 14 days following the surgery. The results of a facelift are usually long lasting and spectacular. A full facelift surgery can reduce about eight to 10 years from the patient’s face in terms of facial appearance.

For more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Nicholas Vendemia (Dr. V) performs in New York City / Manhattan visit: 

Rhinoplasty (Nose Job Surgery) Before and After Photos

Rhinoplasty (Nose Job Surgery) Before and After Photos – NYC | Manhattan | New York City

Rhinoplasty or nose job is a plastic surgery procedure aimed at enhancing the size, shape, and overall appearance of the nose to achieve best possible facial harmony. In some cases, the procedure may also be performed to correct functional anomalies such as obstruction in breathing. Dr. Nicholas Vendemia is an experienced plastic surgeon providing treatments such as breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, and liposuction to his patients in Manhattan, NYC and surrounding areas.

What are Nose Surgery Before and After Photos?

Before and after photos in case of rhinoplasty refer to a set of photographs of a previous patient who has received the same treatment with successful results. The set includes pictures taken prior to the procedure and after the procedure to show the difference to a new patient. The goal of rhinoplasty before and after photos is to help educate new patients about the effectiveness and suitability of nose surgery in their case.

See more Rhinoplasty (Nose Job Surgery) Before and After Photos

rhinoplasty before and after pictures dr. vrhinoplasty  nose job before and after photos dr. v

During the initial consultation for nose cosmetic surgery, an experienced surgeon will make use of the before and after photos. When a new patient visits the surgeon’s office for a consultation for nose job, he or she may not have a clear idea of the surgery. The surgeon will explain various aspects of the procedure during the consultation, and may use before and after pictures as a visual aid to show exactly what type of improvements in the appearance of the nose may be achieved and what will be the overall impact on the facial profile.

Choosing the Best Treatment Option

As an experienced cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Vendemia tries to make sure that his patients in and around New York City are aware of the various surgical treatment options available in their particular case. The goal is to help the patient make an informed choice and achieve the best satisfaction levels with that choice. Patients may be unsure whether to opt for full rhinoplasty or a mini procedure, or combine the procedure with cheek or chin augmentation to achieve more effective outcomes.

With the help of before and after pictures, it is possible to provide a clear idea to the patient about the impact of various treatment options. The patient is in a better position to make the appropriate choice along with recommendations of the plastic surgeon.

Expectations from Rhinoplasty

Sometimes the patient may form wrong expectations from nose surgery, despite the detailed explanations and advice of the surgeon during initial consultation. This can lead to the patient becoming disappointed with the final results, even if the plastic surgery may have been performed very successfully. This situation can be avoided when the surgeon makes use of before and after photos. This leaves no room for confusion, and the patient will know exactly what a nose surgery can or cannot do for them.

Website Images

Some surgeons decide to provide the rhinoplasty before and after photos online on their practice website. Anyone can have free access to these photos, and review the effectiveness of rhinoplasty before deciding whether to visit the surgeon’s office for an initial consultation.

For more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Nicholas Vendemia (Dr. V) performs in New York City / Manhattan visit: