Breast Augmentation
Before and after photos

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This is a 29 year old woman (5’8″ 125lbs) who went from a small B cup to a D cup with 397cc moderate profile silicone breast implants placed under the muscle (submuscular) through incisions in the fold under her breast (inframammary incisions).
The After photo was taken at one year after surgery. This shows the implants fully settled into a very natural position on the chest even though this implant size is on the large side for her frame. The Playmate Technique was used here to ensure that an adequate amount of space was created to allow implants this large to settle into such a natural position, and the final result is simply stunning. If you would like to see her result at 2 weeks after surgery to see the progression, please click here.
She was back to almost all of her normal activities on the 3rd day after surgery, and wearing a normal underwire bra on the 7th day after the procedure.
If you’re interested in the Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation or The Playmate Technique, please give us a call at 917-703-7069 to schedule a consultation.
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