Best Moisturizing Night Cream for Wintertime

You don’t always have to spend top dollar to get the best product. Eucerin’s Redness Relief line is excellent, and although it’s a little tough to find sometimes, you can get it at just about any higher end drugstore.

Winter weather will dry your skin faster than just about anything, and wind exposure will leave your skin with a red, inflamed look that most of us could do without. A moisturizing night cream can prevent this altogether by giving your skin the moisture it needs to repair itself after being exposed to the elements.

I have very sensitive skin and have found it difficult to find a night cream that does what it is supposed to do without being too heavy or clogging my pores, but Eucerin fixed those issues with this product. Highly recommend it!

Tweet me your winter skin care questions @DrVnyc, or stop in for a consultation! 917-703-7069

Nicholas Vendemia, M.D.
Plastic Surgeon New York

The Top 3 Tips for Winter Skincare

Harsh winter weather tends to dry the skin, but with a few quick and easy adjustments to your normal skincare routine, you should be able to make it through the season unscathed. Learn more about our Top 3 Tips for Winter Skincare, or feel free to check out some our most popular clinical skincare services by clicking here.

    how to change your winter skin care routine

  1. Don’t stop your sunscreen! While it’s true that winter sun is less intense than summer sun, unprotected exposure to UV rays will damage your skin year round. Make sure to use a product with a minimum SPF of 30 under your makeup every day. My personal favorite is Dermaquest ZinClear Zinc Oxide sunscreen… it offers max protection from both UVA and UVB, it dries clear and light enough to apply easily under makeup, and it’s both noncomedogenic and fragrance-free. ZinClear is such an excellent clinical product that we also use it as a finisher for our most advanced skin treatments to ensure that freshly-treated, sensitive skin is well protected as soon as our patients step out of the office.
  2. Don’t stop exfoliating! High quality exfoliative regimens can sometimes lead to overly dry skin in the wintertime, but proper daily exfoliation is still the key to beautiful skin that lasts forever. Try a more gentle setting with more passes when using your Clarisonic brush (highly recommended!), and replace your usual cleanser with a more gentle version like Aveeno Ultra Calming Foaming Facial Cleanser.
  3. Repair while you sleep. Your skin repairs itself at night, so be sure to give it the tools it needs to do it’s job. Eucerin Redness Relief Soothing Night Creme is an excellent high-end OTC moisturizer that is powerful enough take on the tough task of hydrating dry winter skin, but also gentle enough not to feel heavy or clog pores.


The Best Clinical Sunscreens

the best clinical sunscreensThe American Melanoma Foundation is sponsoring an initiative to find more innovative and more effective sun protection products to help decrease the incidence of skin cancer.

It’s nice to see an initiative like this because there hasn’t been much thought in the world of SPF in recent years, and with our ozone depleting, and more of the damaging rays making it to our skin, it’s more important than ever to know how to protect it. The shelves of any Duane Read are lined with so many product choices that it can make your head spin, so anything that can narrow down those choices for us and give us some direction when it comes to sun protection, is a very good thing. If you want to nominate a new product, or if you know someone who is working on such a product, click here for the entry form. The deadline is April 1st, 2015.

And if you want to read more about my favorite SPF products on the market now, please click the Read more link and enjoy…

The Top 5 Changes for Your Summer Skin Care Routine

photo of a woman exercising outside and taking care of her skin

Treating your summer skin care routine the same as every other time of the year is the same as using your shampoo to wash your face… just because it’s the easiest option doesn’t mean it’s the best choice.

The sun will dry and sensitize your skin leading to burns and sun damage, and the heat will make you more prone to sweating and oil production leading to breakouts and blemishes. Summer is also everyone’s favorite time for exercise and outdoor activities, so it’s important to practice good skin care habits even when you’re on the go. Fortunately this is all as easy as five quick summer skin care tips that you might not have thought about as you transition into the sunny time of the year.

Keep reading for the five key changes to make to your summer skin care program today…
