A recent article on Doximity.com offered some excellent advice for those of us who suffer from migraine headaches, but ironically left out one of the simplest and most effective treatments… Botox.
Using Botox to treat migraine headaches remains a dramatically underutilized approach for a variety of reasons. Many people aren’t aware that this is a treatment option, or even if they are they find it difficult to find enough information to make an educated decision about whether or not Botox will work for them. There are also great variations in dosing and technique between different physicians, so it’s often difficult to judge how effective the treatment is.
Botox for migraine therapy is quite popular in our practice, and we’ve had such an excellent success rate with treating even the most severe cases, that we thought it would be beneficial to outline the excellent advice set forth by several migraine researchers across the country in the above referenced article, and to briefly discuss what we feel to be the most effective treatment out there.
Keep reading for more information about what you can do to decrease the frequency and severity of your migraine headaches…